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Monday, July 9, 2012

pre-Chapter 6 - Authors Notes

I would really like to thank everyone who is following along and especially thank all of those who have taken the time to leave feedback.  The reviews are truly motivating.
I wanted to reassure everyone that I have every intention of taking this story to its conclusion.  I expect to get a chapter out at least weekly.  Unfortunately, I do not have the time to be as prolific as some other fan fic writers out there (though I love reading their work!).  It is also a side effect of my editing method – I will probably reread and edit each chapter 5 to 6 times before I post – correcting grammar, adding a sentence, changing a word.  It is all part of the process.
Now, I know I have been promising a plot twist once we got to the Coping Together benefit…which was originally in chapter 4, then chapter 5, then chapter 6.  We will at least arrive at the benefit in chapter 7.  After some needed lemons, the plot twist might be in 7 or 8.  Sorry it is taking so long to get there.  If Ana and Christian would just stop fooling around…wait, if they did some of you might stop reading. 
Lastly, if you like what I’m writing, please feel free to share with friends, via email, Facebook, etc.  there are links at the end of each post.  Not that I’m a whore for page views…wait, yes I am.  J
Thanks again for reading!


  1. Your editing method is what makes your writing so wonderful! Thank you for taking the time to make those makes the reading so much more enjoyable!

    1. Thanks! Even so, I've found some errors in older posts.

  2. thank you for writing for all of us & for the time you take to edit yourself .... it makes for wonderful reading. keep up the great work!

  3. Your writing is great and well worth the wait. Love the story, and can't wait for chapters 7+.

  4. I am truly loving your writing and I enjoy hearing a version of the after story of Christian and Ana. Your Fan Fic is much better than many I've read so keep it up. I will definitely keep reading if you keep writing. Great work. Brooke

    1. Thank you - I'm really trying to write out my 'hey, I could be a writer' fantasy.

    2. No need to be modest, you are a writer. The editing process is well worth it.


I appreciate all comments - positive and constructive. Thank you for reading.